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Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Here

So I am new here, so I'll introduce myself. My name is Jennifer but everyone calls me Jenny. I prefer that actually.  I am a high school sophomore. I have a pretty crazy life. My past has been pretty hard but I don't need any pity from anyone. That is not what I came on here for, I came on here to express myself, and to tell you my story. I love to write, talk, and read. I like to be on facebook, and wittyprofiles. I have a good family, and I love them. I just about have two families. I have the mom I live with and the mom and dad I come to everyday after school, and hang out with them and the kids. It's like I have to little sisters. One of them is 5, and her name is Lorelai. She goes to my school. I walk her to school, and take her to the elementary hall so she can put her things in her locker and take her to breakfast. It is so cute. Miriam is the littlest out of us. She is 13 months and she is the cutest. I just love her to death. I love to put her to bed, and rock her. I even love to change her diapers. I love dressing her up. She is a crazy baby.

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